Johnson had, despite popular perception, been a stronger supporter, by far, of civil rights and social change than Mr. Kennedy had. As the former long-time Senate Majority (and sometimes Minority) leader, he'd become a skilled politician, able to get bills through the torturous process of passing into law. He learned well from mentor (and fellow Texan) Representative Sam Rayburn, who'd served as Speaker of the House for decades. As President, his persuasive skills worked well domestically-- not so well internationally, as it turned out.
This is one of my favorite sets of pictures of all time:

In these pictures, taken in 1957, when Johnson was the Senate Majority leader, he's giving the fabled "Johnson Treatment" to fellow Senator Theodore F. Green, who was head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Looking it up, there were many other pictures like it. Johnson, at six foot four inches, was a physically imposing figure, and a politically imposing one as well. He was skilled in the art of the deal.
Johnson's persuasive skills helped secure the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which gave teeth to the promise of voting rights to millions of disenfranchised African-Americans. Under his "Great Society" programs, billions were spent to fight poverty in urban and rural areas.
In 1964, Johnson faced his first Presidential election (he'd become President when John Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, and had not yet faced a Presidential election). He played up his opponent, arch-conservative Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater's, hawkish views by producing what is probably the most famous-- or infamous, as it turns out-- Presidential campaign ad ever, the "Daisy Ad."
The irony of this ad was that Johnson, like many liberals, was guarding his right flank-- throughout the Cold War, liberals were constantly under attack by the right for being "soft on communism." Johnson felt that he needed to escalate the war in Vietnam in order to protect himself politically from conservatives. Ironically, then, while running as a peace candidate in 1964, he was gearing up for an increased war in Vietnam (beginning with the Gulf of Tonkin Incident), a war he'd inherited from Eisenhower and Kennedy.
Reading the excerpts from Lady Bird Johnson's journal, you see the decline of the presidency and the decline of the man. By 1968, even I, who was only seven, could feel the vibe and the tension in air in the country. The January, 1968 Tet Offensive, while a huge military defeat for the Viet Cong, outraged the American public, who'd been told the war was almost over. On March 30-- the day before April Fool's Day-- LBJ told an astonished nation that he would not seek re-election:
"I shall not seek, and I will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your President."
It was a stunning moment in United States history. Johnson's domestic record, while great, was not enough for a society in the midst of massive changes-- the summer before, Newark, Detroit and other cities had exploded in race riots. Student protests against the war were gathering momentum. A split within Johnson's own party over race and economic issues, long hidden, was suddenly baring itself. And the war in Vietnam continued to escalate. LBJ, threw up his hands and walked away, something he'd never done before in his life.
Four days later, Martin Luther King was assassinated, and the nation was plunged into the turmoil it would remain in for the rest of the year, with the assassination of Bobby Kennedy and the riots at the Democratic Convention in Chicago that summer.
I look at LBJ as one of the great and flawed men of American history. He was an engine of change in a crucial era of history. He was an incredibly cynical politician, yet his committment to civil rights and to ending poverty was geniune. He had incredible political instincts, yet he badly underestimated the ferocity of the battle domestically for social change and that of the war in Vietnam.
Vietnam is an ancient and proud nation, with a long history of kicking out foreign invaders-- they'd pushed China out after a thousand year occupation, the French after a 120 year occupation; the United States was just the newest and youngest invader in the line. LBJ thought he could just go to "Uncle Ho" and make a deal, like a Texas politician wrangling over grazing rights. The Vietnamese people were willing to die to the last person to kick out the foreign invader; their own ideology was irrelevent. He never understood this.
LBJ spent his last five years back on his ranch in Johnson City, Texas a broken, humbled man, dying of a heart attack on Janurary 22, 1973.
Forty years after the firestorm of 1967, another Texas native occupies the White House. He-- and the people around him-- seem to have completely failed to grasp the lessons to be gained at the cost of 58,000 American deaths in Vietnam: the dangers of trying to percieve of a people in your own image and a fight in terms and interests that make sense only to you. He and they wrecklessly plunged the nation into yet another war in Asia-- a war seemingly without an exit.
Unlike LBJ, George W. Bush is not a self-made man. His life has been not a string of incredible successes capped by one big failure like Johnson's was. It's been a string of unceasing failures, despite being set up by the rich friends of his father again and again. (See Molly Ivins' book "Shrub.") Bush will walk away from this failure and merrily skip into whatever the next sweet set-up (and presumably failure) his father has planned for him. He'll never have a moment of self-doubt, never a sense of the tragedy he has wrought upon Iraq and thousands of American families. Bush and his cabal will leave the clean-up of their mess in Iraq-- and in the United States-- to the next administration. I doubt that Bush will retire to his Texas ranch and spend the rest of his life ruminating on his mistakes like LBJ did. And this is a pity, because LBJ left successes and legacies that stand today, despite the best efforts of Bush and his minions to dismantle them.
Fantastic post, Johnny Yen. I was a kid of nine that year, and all of those events had a major impact on me. I wonder if many nine-year-old kids today are as aware of what's going on politically.
Frustrating, isn't it, to know that Bush has not one atom of introspection in his being, that he'll never think about and regret the mess he got us in.
Another great post Johnny, I continue to wonder what will the Bush legacy be? Thousands dead, many more with loss of limbs and their mental facilities, and a bankrupt VA system? I fear so...
Excellent, Johnny, and yes, I wonder how many of us kids from those days got pulled into awareness of the rest of the world?
We lived in St. Paul during the 1968 election, and everybody in school straw polled for HHH except for a few Nixon kids, and ONE George Wallace vote (a girl from Tennessee).
Last year, I got to see the LBJ Ranch and also the LBJ papers in Austin. Spectacular!
A tragedy, really, Vietnam. And yes, LBJ did have that wisdom to know it was -- unlike the idiots in power now.
Today we also have Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. Is it just me, or were people like Jean Seberg and Faye Dunaway just a whole lot more sohisticated and cooler and relevant? Seberg was tracked by the FBI for "subversive" activities. And Lindsay Lohan? Iraq War proests? Black panthers? Gay rights? Environmental issues? The women's movement? Presidential advocacy? I'll take Hanoi Jane over today's celebrities ;)
I remember how much the other second-graders and I talked about the 1968 election. It seems like there was more awareness of national and world events. I remember a couple of years later how we talked about Apollo 13 as it was happening.
Skyler's Dad-
It's criminal isn't it?
I've had the notion that I'd like to get involved in some kind of VA advocacy group in the long term-- I'm afraid that once this war does end, people will lose interest and these people will not get the huge amounts of help they will need for the rest of their lives. It's funny-- I vigorously and publically opposed this war, and I feel a weird sense of guilt that I didn't do more to prevent it. Isn't that funny, because I was called unpatriotic when I did so.
My school, in a blue collar neighborhood in Chicago (Albany Park) was more split, surprisingly. That's been the evil genius of the Republicans-- they've convinced the working class to vote against their class interests.
Very cool about the visit to the ranch and papers. In the Wikipedia article on LBJ, they said it's the most-visited of all Presidents.
Yes, our sexy icons were way cooler than those of today!
Good post. I've always been a big LBJ fan, except for his escalation of the war thing.
Oh and a side not to your commenter erik donald france, Wallace had many supporters in the North and Midwest, his voters did not just come from TN.
Yes, Mr. Wallace's 10 million votes, one of the best showings for a third party candidate ever, came from all over, including Northern cities-- he tapped into white fears everywhere. He did carry five southern states. It was part of the realignment going on, where the Democratic Party was finally recognizing that it was going to have to walk away from a significant portion of its voters, who were, in the end, really Republicans. This was, in the end, good for the party, which was suffering from an increasingly duel personality, having to put up with "Boll Weevil" Democratic Senators who actually obstructed civil rights legislation.
In the exerpts from Lady Bird Johnson's journals, she recounts a talk she had with Strom Thurmond before he bolted the party. She clearly understood that her gesture was futile.
Very nicely done. I hope to god Dubya slips into oblivion so that he can cause no more harm. I won't hold my breath.
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