Monday, July 02, 2007

Which Historical Lunatic Are You?

I'm Joshua Abraham Norton, the first and only Emperor of the United States of America!
Which Historical Lunatic Are You?
From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey.

Hmmm... I was a Political Science major....

Thanks to Samurai Frog for this one.


Danielle said...

I had to participate and we are cut from the same cloth. It would be nice to be emperor especially now.

Andi said...

Yay! I'm Charles VI, Mad King of France. Fun times. Thanks for passing this one along you nutter.

Anonymous said...

I'm Charles VI, Mad King of France apparently. If I had only known.

Joe said...

Johnny, were we separated at birth?

...evidently I'm Joshua Abraham Norton as well.

kim said...

I too, am Joshua Abraham Norton.

That is too funny.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Are there only two options? I am Charles VI as well. I sense a conspiracy.

lulu said...

I am also Charles VI.

Johnny Yen said...

Especially with today's news about Libby, I know you'd certainly do a better job.

You're welcome, fellow nutter!

It's never too late to start...

Sick minds, er, I mean, great minds think alike, don't they?

Sorry, only one of us can be the one and only emperor.

Yeah, I wondered about that too. Samurai Frog was Tesla, so there are at least 3.

You're definitely my favorite mad ruler.

Mizbubs said...

Well, I'm Nicola Tesla!!! I couldn't be happier. Obviously this quiz reveals an inner truth! Excuse me while I calculate the resonance of the Madrid fault...

deadspot said...

I was Nicola Tesla too. I can't help it. I need my electric light.