You owe it to yourself to read this article and then send a link to it to everybody you know, for god's sake. I knew most of the facts that it states, but to have them put together paints an absolutely devastating portrait of McCain, who has run on his purported "character." He's a total opportunist politically and a creep personally. A McCain presidency would be a disaster.
BTW, it looks like the attempt at character assassination via the non-existent Ayers/Obama connection isn't working. According to Gallup, Obama is up a percentage point and McCain down one. Obama leads 52% to 41%. Not even an endorsement from the NRA seems to be able to save McCain.
Thanks for the link- I've been meaning to look it up and things have been crazy busy.
Off to read...
We need to keep hammering the "borrow and spend conservatives" line hard and often.
You know, his honorable act of refusing to come home from Vietnam when he could have always struck me as dissonant from the rest of his character. Now I know why it was utterly consistent.
I'm glad he is sinking in the polls. The only people that I know who still support him would not believe a word of that article.
I put that link up the other day too - McCain is so dangerous, the more people who call him out on it, the better. We can't afford him in the White House.
he is scary....thanks for the link.....
By the way, LOVING that article!!
Thanks for the link. I've been interested in it since you discussed it with us the other night.
That said, it is a disappointing article. Why are the sources largely unnamed? Why are inferences being drawn by the writer, in better pieces, you present the facts and let the reader draw the picture them self.
Here's an example of the first, "the missing piece of this puzzle, says a former McCain confidant who has fallen out with the senator over his neoconservatism, is a third, never realized, campaign that McCain intended to run against Bush in 2004... " I'd like to know who the unnamed person is. The writer gains a lazy quote, the person quoted gets their knife into McCain and the reader is told this is important without further details that give it the foundation for the reader to make the connection.
And here is an example of being manipulated by the writer, leading us to the opinion he wants. "In the end, the essential facts of John McCain's life and career — the pivotal experiences in which he demonstrated his true character — are important because of what they tell us about how he would govern as president... Okay, if you haven't connected the dots by now, I'll assume you are too stupid to do it, here goes... I felt insulted as a reader after this reading this shit.
Here's a personal attack in the piece that is also generous in attacking McCain, but not generous in attributing the background, "In one vital respect, however, the comparison is deeply unfair to the current president: George W. Bush was a much better pilot... " The background comes much later and, no, it isn't clear to me that McCain is less skilled than little Bush. The reputable site factcheck.org takes on the accusation directly. Here is the link: http://www.factcheck.org/askfactcheck/did_mccain_crash_five_planes_did_he.html
Bottom-line: this is a disappointing article. There are good reasons to vote for Barack Obama. Trashing McCain isn't one of them.
I'm not sold.
Just another media person looking at the Rolling Stone piece: http://blogs.chicagoreader.com/news-bites/2008/10/10/john-dramesis-unflattering-memories-his-fellow-pow/
BTW Steve Rhodes is now running a second media blog for Channel 5 called Division Street. http://divisionstreet.wordpress.com/
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