My late friend Mark, who was way ahead of the curve on online stuff, predicted years ago that eventually most print media would be online rather than in ink. His prophecy has begun to come true; the Christian Science Monitor, known for its outstanding international coverage, is switching to an online only format:
Actually, they may be the second important publication to make that switch; the Weekly World News made the same switch a couple of weeks ago.
My two favorite publications...
Inevitable but still kinda sad. I just hope books don't go the same way. If so, I'll keep to my old man antiquarian ways whenever possible, after all there's more than one could read in lifetime already in print.
Not the Weekly World News! I'm gonna miss getting my Bat Boy news in print.
The Madison newspaper, The Capital Times, has been internet only since April.
Sorry, I should say it is primarily Internet based. The Cap Times inserts into the larger Madison paper, the Wisconsin State Journal, twice a week.
Shit! What's next? The Onion?
Seriously, though: There's a good column about this at Poynter.
I'm in favor of online delivery, but I am waiting for a format that has the same ease of browsing that good ol' fashioned papers and books have.
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