How much do I hate Steinbrenner? There are only two people in New York who I hate worse than Steinbrenner: Donald Trump and Rudy Guiliani. That's how much.
Year after year Steinbrenner spends huge amounts of money and buys all the good players. Arod? Got him. Randy Johnson? Had him, then dumped him. Andy Pettite? Check. Ivan Rodriquez? Brought him over to the dark side too. Johnny Damon? Yeah, but make sure he cuts his hair and has his soul removed.
Steinbrenner is like that jerk at your high school with the rich parents who drives the Camaro to school and flaunts it. Year after year, the Yankees spend as much as any three other teams do on payroll.
Yet, what are the results? Quick: when was the last time the Yankees were in the World Series? That's right, 2001. And they lost that one. All the money, and no trophy for George. Boo hoo.
And this year is special. First, the Yankees lost their division and never even made it to the playoffs. Better yet, they lost the division to the Tampa Bay Rays, a team with a salary a fraction of theirs. Money can't buy you love, nor a playoff berth.
Even better, tonight here in Chicago, there'll be a National League playoff game. The managers of the two teams will be two guys who've had the misfortune to work for George Steinbrenner as managers of the Yankees, the Cubs' Lou Piniella and the Dodgers' Joe Torre. Torre was unceremoniously dumped last year as Yankees' manager and here he is in his first year as the Dodgers' manager bringing them to the playoffs.
Suck it George.
When I worked for the Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games, I had all the personal info on the board members — including Mr. Steinbrenner. That was during the days when Letterman loved yelling "STEINBRENNER SUCKS" — and I so wanted to call him and shout the same.
Never did. I'm a wuss.
Go Cubs.
Yes, Cubs fans and Sox fans may hate each other, and we may get swept out of the playoffs in the first round, but at least we can all still hate NY.
Baseball is the only sport I follow with any passion. Of course, I hate the Yankees. But...I also secretly envy them or at least their fans. I wish I'd seen a game at Yankee Stadium just because it's Yankee Stadium. And I love how Yankee fans consider it a failure if their team doesn't win the World Series. That's how it should be - way too often Chicago fans of every sport are happy to celebrate when our teams simply reach the playoffs.
One last thing - Go Sox!
Right now poor George is drooling into his dribble cup and his depends are overflowing....
....and he is talking with Frank Perdue about the feasibility of selling alcoholic chicken.
GO CUBS!!!!!
My hubby is from NY so I keep my hatred of the Yankees to a dull roar. I like the TWINS - again another successful team with a fraction of that Yankee payroll. I've seen a few games at Yankee stadium and it was impressive I have to admit.
I'm a lifelong Philadelphia Phillies fan, but for a little while I lived two subway stops below Yankees Stadium, in upper Manhattan. I went to a few Yankees games and even rooted for them - I was having fun being a New Yorker. However, when attending the LONGEST baseball game of my life (16 innings against the Mariners and the Yankees LOST), I finally got hip to just how fair-weather Yankees fans can be.
I'm still a Phils fan, but I'd love to see the Cubs do it this year. I've already got one of the old-school hats with the bear. EG got it for me at Wrigley our first summer together.
Tell us how you really feel.......heehee.......I don't like baseball at all.....boring...boring...boring...give me football, hockey, and UFC MMA....fast moving.....
Shit, I just about outted myself on your blog! Eeeek.
Let's just say I know someone on the Devil Ray's. And I don't follow this stuff at all.
Does this mean the Cubs will play the Rays?
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