It was October of 1964. The Beatles were taking the United States by storm, having appeared on the Ed Sullivan show in February of that year. Congress had passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, beginning the Vietnam War in earnest. And Lyndon Johnson was just days away from giving Barry Goldwater the asskicking of his life in the Presidential election.
And me? I was three years old and gettin' my clown on. I'm the one on the right.

The bunny on the left was my brother, who was two. He would grow up to be a career Marine; I think he overcompensated for having to wear the bunny outfit.
And here's my son, The Evil Dictator. This was from 1995. He was a year-and-a-half old; he'd just started walking five months before. This was one of many costumes my mother has sewed him over the years.

It's hard to believe he was ever this small; he's nearly as tall as me now.
Interesting that you and Bubs were clowning it up in your formative years. Things are beginning to make sense.
Li'l Yen is one adorable devil, by the way.
You're on the pageant roll!
I like your 'Harried Dad' costume in the second photo.
My mom made that same exact devil costume for my son, along with a butterfly, tiger, vampire's cape, lady bug, and a few others. Sewing grandmas are the best.
Hah! Love the photos! Beth is right about the clown thing... scary!
And you with your son- just great!
Once a clown, always a clown. Nothing changes with you.
That is one cozy looking little devil! You know you live in a winter city when you have to plan your Hallowe'en costumes for snow.
Great entries both Johnny! The Evil Dictator was evil before he knew it!
Aw, the li'l devil is so cute.
You, Bubs, and that whole Clown thing... I dunno!
A clown?
Very Appropriate
He was that small? You're not kidding! And you sure look better-rested now!
Jesus, I feel really old now . . .
everytime i see a kid in a bunny suit, i instantly remember A Christmas Story: "He looks like a... a pink nightmare!"
nice Iggy Pop "Lust For Life" reference, btw.
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